
WELCOME        GUITAR        UKULELE          MUSIC        VIDEOS        THEORY

The weekly payments (subs) are for one purpose and one purpose only: to pay for the hire of the Village Hall. I'm not interested in making any money out of this and so any money left over at the end of the year is, by mutual consent, given to a charity. Over the years we've given money to several charities including The British Legion, The London Ukulele Trust and The Red Cross.

The cost is £3.50 per session and traditionally members attending clubs or meetings such as this will have paid their weekly subs in cash. Since the COVID infection, throwing £1 coins into a biscuit tin is no longer an acceptable way of paying and so RoydonStrings is now totally cashless.

During refreshment break I will come round with a contactless cardreader for you to pay with a credit card, debit card, ApplePay or GooglePay. You will receive a receipt via an email confirming your payment. If you wish to buy plectrums (£1.00 each) this transaction will also be via a card payment.

I have set up a bank account so that if you don’t want to use contactless payments you can transfer the subs to the bank account.

Rather than publish the bank details here, let me know that you want to pay by bank transfer and I'll email you the details.